For my final project, I plan on improving upon my midterm project. Previously, I had created a game using p5.js 3D primitives where the player must navigate through an array of incoming cubes by moving a smaller cube across the screen. The project was an experimentation with rudimentary collision detection, as well as using vectorized motion to simulate realistic object movement in space.
However, there were several aspects of the project that could be improved upon. Firstly, the collision detection was not perfect, as the player would sometimes be able to bypass obstacles, as well as lose the game by colliding with thin air. Secondly, the perspective of the player relative to the obstacles in space was a bit confusing, because you couldn't really tell the exact position of the player cube in z-space. Lastly, the art styling of the game was quite drab (I only used gray and white colors), and I hope that I can expand upon the tones in this final iteration.
Some screenshots of games that have a similar style to what I'm looking for:
In order to achieve my goals, I intend on completing my project using three.js, since it is built specifically to work in a 3D environment. I also hope to improve the collision detection by applying concepts of raycasting to better detect obstacle distance and intersection. In terms of art style, if there is enough time, I plan on writing some simple shaders to spice up the visuals.