For my blessed/cursed moodboard, I decided to gather images from a few Facebook groups I joined back in high school. Some of these pages, such as "Things That Are Not Aesthetic" focused on displaying content that could be classified as 'cursed' images, often depicting situations that were nonsensical or unsettling in a humorous fashion. 
I noticed within the 'cursed' images family, the content can be further split into different categories. For example, unsettling images include the photo of the coffee cup against a floodwater backdrop, as well as the soft-billed duck. These photos serve to disturb or disgust viewers. Other photos are more humorous, such as the Grinch being arrested, or the morphed faces of the dogs at the bottom. Images like the poorly wrapped Christmas present, or the Easy Cheese monstrosity tend to make viewers cringe a bit, since these situations are often best avoided in real life. 
My favorite subset of images are the ones that make you go "...". These images often blur the line between cursed and blessed, and are both bewildering and genius at the same time. The shopping cart on skis, the man blending his face with his anime phone case, and the mosquito drinking directly from the bug spray are all images that fall under this category. 
Despite the differences in subcategories, all these cursed/blessed images have one thing in common; they all manage to hook in viewers with their outlandish subject(s), playing on our everyday interactions with the things around us.

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